Study Name: Social Desirability, Gender Roles, and Antisocial Behaviour

Seeking Participants: Men (18 years or older) who are fluent in English

Details about Participating: The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between social desirability, gender roles, and antisocial behaviour. In this online survey, you will be asked to complete questionnaires about your past behaviour, and how you see yourself in terms of gender roles and other characteristics. You will also be asked to complete some questions about your demographic information. Your responses to these questionnaires will be completely anonymous. In other words, nobody will be able to link your answers to your identity and we will not know who said what. The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Potential Negative Consequences to Participating: Because some of the questions ask about antisocial behaviour, some people may find them embarrassing or otherwise disturbing. For example, some questions ask whether you have ever assaulted someone.You can refuse to participate, skip any questions you do not wish to answer, or stop participating at any time. If you do participate and become disturbed by the study, you will be directed to various sources of support.

 If you wish to participate please click on the following link:

Social Desirability, Gender Roles, and Antisocial Behaviour Survey

Researcher: This study is being conducted by Sacha Maimone (Masters student, Department of Psychology, Carleton University; email:, phone: 613-520-2600 ext. 2261) under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Nunes (Professor, Department of Psychology, Carleton University; email:, phone: 613-520-2600, ext. 1545).

This study has received clearance by the Carleton University Psychology Research Ethics Board (14-069).