CFICE’s Phase II Working Groups

Text box with the following content: "CFICE’s Definition of CROSS-SECTOR WORK: WORKing on CCE issues that impact partnership models across different fields and organizations."As of April 1, 2016, the Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement (CFICE) project began working on cross-sectoral collaborations.

These projects focus on ways to improve community-campus partnerships involving non-profits and post-secondary institutions (PSIs), funders, and more.

The goal of CFICE’s Phase II work is to provide tools and research on how to best shape community-campus partnerships.

By generating research across sectors, Phase II working groups find collaborative solutions that change policies, and lead to more equitable community first partnerships. Equitable community first partnerships result in healthier and more vibrant communities.

Phase II work continues until the end of the project on March 31, 2019. It is completed through four policy-focused working groups. The working groups are supported by an Evaluation and Analysis group.

Working Groups: