CFICE’s Student Pathways for Community Impact Working Group

Community Co-lead
Jim Blake, Consultant and Facilitator

Academic Co-lead
Stephen Hill, Associate Director, School of the Environment, Trent University

Text box with the following content: "CFICE’s Definition of EMBEDDING: Much like a journalist embedded in the field, RA’s are embedded in the community. Their research is directly shaped by the needs of the community."In Phase I of CFICE, several hubs tested the practice of “embedding” student Research Assistants (RAs) in community organizations. The purpose was to deeply engage students in the work of community partners by having them work with and for community partners. This approach enhanced RAs’ abilities to deliver high-quality community first research and work because the research was shaped to support the goals and needs of the community partner.

A man and a woman discuss content the woman is presenting on her laptop.The Student Pathways for Community Engagement Working Group seeks to further develop the idea of the “embedded” RA by creating and pilot testing an integrated community-campus engagement (CCE) curriculum for students at Trent University. The curriculum will include a graduated learning process, starting with service-learning experiences in first and second year of undergrad to embedded RAships and research experiences at a Master’s level.

The curriculum mapping process will integrate a focus on environmental sustainability and social justice throughout. The purpose will be to incrementally build students’ skills for practicing successful community first CCE. Once students have developed a set of CCE skills and knowledge, they will then have opportunities to be placed in embedded RAships as Master’s students.

To achieve this pathways goal, the Student Pathways for Community Engagement Working Group will:

  • Complete a curriculum mapping process (map curriculum for 6 years of post-secondary education)
  • Build tools, courses, modules, etc. to support student learning and skills development in CCE
  • Design a high school CCE course for students in grade 11/12
  • Streamline Trent University’s current community service learning program

Student Pathways for Community Impact Working Group News, Resources, and Research

Check out the Student Pathways Working Group’s news, resources, and research below.