Journal Publications

Doiron, M., Branscombe, N., & Matheson, K. (2021). Insiders looking inward: Canadians’ moral expectations of Indigenous peoples in light of the salience of past victimization. PLOS One, 16(5): e0252038.
Matheson, K., Pierre, A., Foster, M., Kent, M., & Anisman, H. (2021). Untangling racism: Stress reactions in response to variations of racism against Black Canadians. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, in press.
Matheson, K., Asokumar, A., & Anisman, H. (2020). Resilience: Safety in the aftermath of traumatic stressor experiences. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 249.
Chee, M., Koziel Ly, N.K., Anisman, H., Matheson, K. (2020). Piece of cake: Coping with COVID-19. Nutrients12(12), 3803.
Foster, M., Tassone, A., & Matheson, K. (2020). Tweeting about sexism motivates further activism: A social identity perspective. British Journal of Social Psychology, e-pub ahead of print.
Matheson, K., Bombay, A., Dixon, K., Anisman, H. (2020). Intergenerational communication regarding Indian Residential Schools:Implications for cultural identity, perceived discrimination, and depressive symptoms. Transcultural Psychiatry, 57(2), 304-320.
Bombay, A., McQuaid R.J., Young, J., Sinha, V., Currie, V., Anisman, H., & Matheson, K. (2020). Familial attendance at Indian Residential School and subsequent involvement in the child welfare system among Indigenous adults born during the Sixties Scoop era. First Peoples Child and Family Review, 15(1), 62-79.
Matheson, K., Branscombe, N., Klar, Y., Anisman, H. (2019). Observer perceptions of the justifiability of the actions of nations in conflict: The relative importance of conveying national vulnerability versus strength. PLoS ONE, 14(7): e0220303.
Matheson, K., Foster, M.D., Bombay, A., McQuaid, R.J., & Anisman, H. (2019). Trauma, perceived discrimination, and distress symptoms in socially marginalized groups. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 416.
McQuaid, R.J., Bombay, A., & Matheson, K. (2019). Contextualizing Indigenous mental health and wellness by understanding historical trauma and resilience. Psynopsis, 41(3), 12-14.
McQuaid, R.J., Gabrys, R.L., McInnes, O.A., Anisman, H., Matheson, K. (2019). Understanding the relation between early-life adversity and depression symptoms: The moderating role of sex and an interleukin-1β gene variant. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 22, 151.
Bombay, A., McQuaid, R.J., Schwartz, F., Thomas, A., Anisman, H., Matheson, K.(2019).  Suicidal thoughts and attempts in First Nations communities: Links to parental Indian Residential School attendance across development. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10(1), 123-131. doi:10.1017/S2040174418000405
Gabrys, R.L., Howell, J.W., Matheson, K., Anisman, H. (2019). Acute stress effects on cognitive flexibility: Mediating role of stressors and cortisol. Stress, 22(2), 182-189. DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2018.1494152
Woods, R., McInnis, O., Bedard, M., Asokumar, A., Santoni, S., Anisman, H., Matheson, K., McQuaid, R. (2019). Social support and unsupportive interactions in relation to depressive symptoms: Implication of gender and the BDNF polymorphism. Social Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2019.1650826
Gabrys, R.L., Anisman, H., & Matheson, K. (2018). Cognitive flexibility in the context of stress and depressive disorders: The Stress and Cognitive Flexibility Questionnaire (CFQ-S), Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2219.
Matheson, K., Bombay, A., & Anisman, A. (2018). Culture as an ingredient of personalized medicine. Editorial. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 43(1), 3-6.
Woods, R., Bedard, M., McQuaid, R., Matheson, K., Anisman, H. (2018). Rejection sensitivity and multiple group memberships: The moderating role of an oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism. Social Neuroscience, 13(3), 268-276. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2017.1327458
Ysseldyk, R., McQuaid, R., McInnis, O., Anisman, H. & Matheson, K. (2018) The ties that bind: Ingroup ties are linked with diminished inflammatory immune responses and fewer mental health symptoms through less rumination, PLOS One, 13(4), e0195237.
Matheson, K. (2017). Rebuilding identities and renewing relationships: The necessary consolidation of deficit and strength-based discourses. MediaTropes, 7(1), 75-96.
McInnis, O.A., McQuaid, R.J., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2017). Relations between plasma oxytocin, depressive symptoms and coping strategies in response to a stressor: The impact of social support. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 30, 575-584.
McInnis, O.A., McQuaid, R.J., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2017). Unsupportive social interactions and affective states:  Examining associations of two oxytocin-related polymorphisms. Stress, 20(1), 122-129.
McQuaid, R.J., Bombay, A., McInnis, O.A., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2017). Suicide ideation and attempts among First Nations peoples living on-reserve in Canada: The intergenerational and cumulative effects of Indian Residential Schools. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 62(6), 422-430.
Ysseldyk, R., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2017). Revenge is sour, but is forgiveness sweet? Psychological health and cortisol reactivity among women with experiences of abuse. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-19. doi: 10.1177/1359105317714319
Matheson, K., & Edwards, C. (2016). Why knowledge mobilization is everyone’s business. Technology Innovation Management Review, 6(9), 4-8.
Matheson, K., McQuaid, R., & Anisman, H. (2016). Group identity, discrimination, and well-being: Confluence of psychosocial and neurobiological factors. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, 35-39. doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2016.05.005
Matheson, K., Bombay, A., Haslam, S.A. & Anisman, H. (2016). Indigenous identity transformations: The pivotal role of student-to-student abuse in Indian Residential Schools. Transcultural Psychiatry, 53(5), 551–573.
McQuaid, R.J., McInnis, O.A., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2016). Oxytocin and social sensitivity: Gene polymorphisms in relation to depression and suicidal ideation. Frontiers Human Neuroscience, 10, 358. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00358.
McQuaid, R.J., McInnis, O.A., Paric, P., Al-Yawer, F., Matheson, K. & Anisman, H. (2016). Relations between plasma oxytocin and cortisol: The stress buffering role of social support. Neurobiology of Stress, 3, 52-60. doi:10.1016/j.ynstr.2016.01.001.
Talibi, M., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2016). The stigma of seeking help for mental health Issues: Mediating roles of support and coping and the moderating role of symptom profile. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46, 470–482.
McInnis, O.A., McQuaid, R.J., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2015). The moderating role of an oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism in the relation between unsupportive social interactions and coping profiles: Implications for depression. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 113. doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01133
McInnis, O., McQuaid, R., Bombay, A, Matheson, K., Anisman, H. (2015). Finding benefit in stressful uncertain circumstances: relations to social support and stigma among women with unexplained illnesses. Stress, 18(2), 169-177. doi: 10.3109/10253890.2014.1001975.
McQuaid, R.J., McInnis, O.A., Matheson K., & Anisman, H. (2015). Distress of ostracism: Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism confers sensitivity to social exclusion. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(8),1153-1159. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu166.
McQuaid, R., Bombay, A., McInnis, O., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2015). Childhood adversity, perceived discrimination and coping strategies in relation to depressive symptoms among First Nations adults in Canada: The moderating role of unsupportive social interactions from ingroup and outgroup members. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(3), 326-336.
Bombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014). The intergenerational effects of Indian Residential Schools: Implications for the concept of historical trauma. Transcultural Psychiatry, 51, 320-338.
Bombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014). Appraisals of discriminatory events among adult offspring of Indian Residential School Survivors: The influences of identity centrality and past perceptions of discrimination. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 75-86.
McInnis, O., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014). Living with the unexplained: Coping, distress, and depression among women with chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia compared to an autoimmune disorder. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 1-18.
McQuaid, R., McInnis, O., Stead, J., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014). A paradoxical association of an oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism: Early-life adversity and vulnerability to depression. Frontiers in Neuroendocrine Science, 1-7.
Raspopow, K., Abizaid, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014) Anticipation of a psychosocial stressor differentially influences ghrelin, cortisol and food intake among emotional and non-emotional eaters. Appetite, 74C,, 35-43.
Taha, S., Matheson, K., Cronin, T., & Anisman, H. (2014). Intolerance for uncertainty, appraisals, coping and anxiety related to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. British Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 592-605.
Ysseldyk, R., Talibi, M., Matheson, K., Bloomraad, I., & Anisman, H. (2014). Religious and ethnic discrimination: Differential implications for social support engagement, civic involvement, and political consciousness. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2, 347-376.
Bombay, A., Matheson, K & Anisman, H. (2013). Expectations among Aboriginal peoples in Canada regarding the potential impacts of a government apology. Political Psychology, 34, 443-460.
Raspopow, K., Matheson, K., Abizaid, A., Anisman, H. (2013). Unsupportive social interactions influence emotional eating behaviors: The role of coping styles as mediators. Appetite, 62, 143-149.
Talebi, M., Matheson, K., & Anisman (2013). Does being first in family matter? The role of identity in the stigma of seeking help among first and non-first in family university students. International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 4, 47-58.
Talebi, M., Matheson, K., & Anisman (2013). Support, depressive symptoms, and the stigma towards seeking mental health help: A comparison of Asian versus Euro-Caucasian students. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 1, 133-144.
Taha, S., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2013). H1N1 was not all that scary: Uncertainty and stressor appraisals predict anxiety related to a coming viral threat. Stress & Health. doi: 10.1002/smi.2505
Taha, S., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2013). The 2009 H1N1 Influenza pandemic: The role of threat, coping, and media trust on vaccination intentions in Canada. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 278-290.
Wohl, M. Matheson, K., Branscombe, N. & Anisman, H. (2013). Victim and Perpetrator Groups’ Responses to the Canadian Government’s Apology for the Head Tax on Chinese Immigrants and the Moderating Influence of Collective Guilt. Political Psychology, 34, 713-729.
Ysseldyk, R., Haslam, S. A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2012). Love thine enemy? Evidence that (ir)religious identification can promote outgroup tolerance under threat. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 15, 105-117.
Matheson, K., Raspopow, K., & Anisman, H. (2012) Bearing witness: Observer’s responses to sex discrimination as a function of the emotions conveyed by the victim. Social Psychology, 1-12.
Taha, S. A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2012). Everyday experiences of women posttreatment after breast cancer: The role of uncertainty, hassles, uplifts, and coping on depressive symptoms. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 30, 359-379.
Bombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2011). The impact of stressors on second generation Indian Residential School Survivors. Transcultural Psychiatry, 48, 367-391.
Danielson, A.M., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2011). Cytokine levels at a single time point following a reminder stimulus among women in abusive dating relationships: Relationship to emotional states. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 40-50.
Taha, S. A., Matheson, K., Paquet, L., Verma, S., & Anisman, H. (2011). Trust in physician in relation to blame, regret and depressive symptoms among women with a breast cancer experience. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 29(4), 415-429.
Ysseldyk, R., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2011). Coping with identity threat. The role of religious orientation and implications for emotions and action intentions. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 3, 132-148.
Bombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2010) Decomposing identity: differential relationships between several aspects of ethnic identity and the negative effects of perceived discrimination among First Nations adults in Canada. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 16, 507-516.
Raspopow, K., Abizaid, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2010) Psychosocial stressor effects on cortisol and ghrelin in emotional and non-emotional eaters: Influence of anger and shame. Hormones and Behavior. 58, 677-84.
Ysseldyk, R., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2010).  Religiosity as identity: Toward an understanding of religion from a social identity theory perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14, 60-71.

Books and Recent Chapters

bookcoverBombay, A., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2014). Origins of lateral violence in Aboriginal communities: A preliminary study of student-to-student abuse in residential schools. Ottawa, ON: Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
Matheson, K., Asokumar, A., Anisman, H., & Gordon, J. (2021). Youth resilience. In H. Moller & R. Schiff (Eds). Health and healthcare in the Northern Canada. University of Toronto Press
Bombay, A., & Matheson, K., Anisman, H. (2017). Psychological perspectives on intergenerational transmission of trauma. In A. Blume (Ed), Social Issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology. Praeger Books.
McInnis, O., McQuaid, R., Matheson, K. & Anisman, H. (2015). A The confluence of early adversity and genetic factors in the development of stress-related pathology. In K.J. Reynolds & N. R. Branscombe (Eds), The Psychology of Change: Life Contexts, Experiences, and Identity. NY: Psychology Press.
Matheson, K. & Anisman, H. (2014). Assessing stressor impacts in humans. In Kusnecov, A. & Anisman, H. (Eds) Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology(pp. 234-250). London: Wiley Blackwell.
Matheson, K., & Foster, M. (2013). Coping with gender discrimination. In M. Ryan & N. Branscombe (Eds). Handbook of Gender and Psychology (pp. 323-340). LA: Sage.
Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2012).  Biological and psychosocial responses to discrimination. In J. Jetten, S.A. Haslam, & C. Haslam (Eds.), The social cure (pp.133-154). UK: Psychology Press.