The research laboratory is probably the most unique and challenging work and study space at the university because each laboratory is slightly different, given the research and experimentation being conducted.  A Chemistry lab is very different from a laboratory in civil engineering, one in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, or in Neuroscience.  The engineering controls are different, the materials in use are different, and therefore the procedures to keep safe also vary.

A general Laboratory Safety program has been implemented to ensure that all persons working and studying in a laboratory environment have the basic information required to keep them safe. The specific information for your research laboratory is available from your supervisor, and in some cases from your faculty Health and Safety representative.

Laboratory Safety Training  is required for all persons working in a research laboratory.

Until you can complete the safety training, please ensure you can answer the following in relation to your laboratory. Your supervisor will assist with the process. You must know:

  • Emergency contact information, including what to do in the case of an accident, injury or near miss
  • The locations of emergency eyewash fountains and emergency showers, and first aid kits
  • The locations of spill kits,
  • Science Stores procedures,
  • Limits on volumes of flammable and combustible liquids in your labs, and proper storage
  • Special requirements applicable to the purchasing, handling, shipping, and disposal of radioactive sources, (if applicable)
  • Special requirements applicable to biohazardous substances, (if applicable)
  • Hazardous waste disposal guidelines, and
  • Emergency exits and evacuation routes
  • In case of any emergency requiring assistance, please contact DUS at extension 4444

The Laboratory Health and Safety Manual is provided as a reference for employees and students working in research and teaching laboratories at Carleton University.