Julia Dalphy

If your best friend had to describe you in 10 words or less, what would she say?
She’d say I’m a busy, hard-working girl with a knack for design and a passion to excel.

Share one fun fact about yourself.
I have my black belt in karate—martial arts are a great stress reliever!

What do you want to accomplish in the next 10 years? 
I’d like to enhance my knowledge and improve my various engineering skills is order to thrive in my field. I would like to prove how critical the specialized engineers in my field are.

Who is the most inspiring engineer you know or have heard of? 
I don’t have one “idol” of an engineer, but there are many that I find very impressive, such as Julie Payette. She’s a famous Canadian astronaut— the dream of so many people— and got there through her engineering education. She’s worked with the Canadarm (one of our country’s biggest engineering accomplishments!).

Why did you choose your program of study?
I actually didn’t originally choose this program, but as soon as I discovered it I had to apply to switch into it! My interest was with green building design and heritage conservation, and this degree encompasses exactly that, as well as meets industry demand with the unique, precise set of skills which it will give me.

What has been your favourite course?
I really like my Architecture and the Environment course, which all of us AC&S engineering students have to take. It teaches us about the different aspects of fundamentally designing a green building, or improving an existing one. It covers topics such as choosing sustainable sites, water efficiency, material use, and energy usage, among others.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?  
I would love to work on new building initiatives. Ideally, I’d like to be part of a team designing sustainable buildings for future neighbourhoods and developing communities in a smart, healthy, and refreshing way.

Monday, March 31, 2014 in
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