EURUS is pleased to announce that registration for EURR 4202/5202 – Culture and Politics in the Cold War: The Soviet Union, United States and Europe, 1945-1991 is open via Carleton Central!
EURR 4202/5202 W poster

  • When: Thursdays, 8:35 – 11:25
  • Instructor: Dr. Erica Fraser


The Cold War shaped two generations in the Soviet Union, as well as the entire continent of Europe and the United States. This course will examine the Cold War as a conflict with multiple “battlefields” in which political issues such as remaking postwar Berlin, establishing the USSR’s hotline to Washington, and 1970s détente, also became cultural issues – including debates about West German jazz music, Soviet samizdat publications, presidential masculinity, and Nixon and Khrushchev’s famous fight over kitchen appliances. We will discuss the many ways in which “the cultural was political” and vice versa during the Cold War.