The policies listed below are related to the areas of Finance, Procurement, Research Financial Services and Business Operations. For a complete listing of official University policies, please visit the University Secretariat’s website.

Student Related Polices

Student Accounts with Debit Balances (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Defines and establishes deadlines for overdue and delinquent accounts.  Establishes rates to be charged on overdue accounts. 

Tuition Refunds Upon a Student’s Death (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Establishes the practice of refunding tuition to the estate of a student who has died during a term. 

Cash and Banking

Bank Accounts, University (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Sets out the authority to open bank accounts in the University’s name.

Cash/ Cash Equivalent Handling (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Establishes procedures for cash receipts for all areas receiving payments (i.e. cash, cheque, debit/credit).

Petty Cash Fund (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Policy and procedures surrounding the management of petty cash funds.

Expenditures and Reimbursements

Capital Asset Policy
Policy concerning the accounting treatment of capital assets purchased by the University.

Equipment Inventory (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Policy that sets out the responsibility for maintaining an inventory of equipment at the department level.

Hospitality and Working Meal Expenses  (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Policy and procedures surrounding the expenditures of University funds on hospitality, entertainment and working meals.

Internal Charges for Services (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Sets standards for charging and pricing internal services for non-ancillary units.

Payment to Individuals and Business Entities (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Establishes criteria for differentiating between a payment that must be made through payroll, and those that can be treated as non-salary, and paid based on an invoice.

Procurement Card (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Policy and procedures related to obtaining and using the University procurement card for low value purchases.

Procurement (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
The policy governing the procurement of goods and services by the University.  Sets out dollar amounts for competitive bids and public tender requirements.

Travel and Related Expenses (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Sets out the policy and procedures to be followed when traveling on behalf of the University. 

Other Policies or Documents

Corporate Records and Archive (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Defines corporate records and establishes guidelines for their management.

Commercial Activities (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Establishes authority for approving any commercial activity on campus.  Establishes operational criteria once approved.

Gift Acceptance (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Explains the criteria that will be applied to the decision to accept or reject a gift.

Gifts In Kind (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Requirements for the acceptance of gifts in kind, including valuation standards.

Guaranteed Housing Loan (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
Policy and processes concerning the University’s guaranteed housing loan plan.

Signing Authorities (listed alphabetically on the University Secretariat page)
This policy specifies the authority of various members of the University community to bind the University contractually.

Partnership Plan (not a university policy)
This Partner Plan outlines the information to assist those within the Finance and Administration division who may be embarking on a new partnership, or those who  already have an established relationship but may want to explore the possibilities to take it to the next level.