
Name: David Coletto

Degree and Year: BPAPM (04), MA Political Science (06), Carleton University

Other Degree: PhD, University of Calgary

Occupation: CEO, Abacus Inc., a polling and market research firm, and a frequent commentator on federal politics. Coletto is also an adjunct professor in the Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs.

Number of news sites visited each day: Nine. The Ottawa Citizen, The Globe and Mail, National Newswatch, National Post, Toronto Star, CBC News, Washington Post, The Independent (UK), and BBC News.

What was your favourite class in university? My most memorable and favourite class was Dr. Jon Pammett’s elections class. The class was engaging and it was the first class in which I started using data to test my hypotheses, thereby improving my skills but also making paper writing easier.

Your first job out of university? My first job was working at a polling firm called SES Research (now called Nanos Research).

What you love about your work. I love that I learn something new every day. I’m not an expert in a specific topic but in research methodologies, so I need to learn as much as I can about my client and their issues so I can help design and implement research studies. The most challenging aspect of it. The most challenging part is the diversity of my job. It’s what I love the most but it’s also the most difficult.

One sentence to describe your strategy to success. Never say no. When you’re given an opportunity to contribute or you see an opportunity, seize it.

How did Carleton help you? Carleton connected me with some great faculty members and taught me many of the skills I use today. Outside the classroom, my involvement with RRRA (Rideau River Residence Association) and CUSA (Carleton University Student Association) helped develop the leadership and interpersonal skills that you can’t learn in a lecture.

Friday, September 9, 2016 in , , ,
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