Photo of Sara  McGillivray

Sara McGillivray

M.A. Candidate, Public History.

Degrees:B.A. (Hons) History, University of Ottawa.

Current Program (including year of entry)

M.A., Public History, 2014.


Dr. David Dean

Academic Interests

Sara has a wide range of interests concentrated in Modern British history, these include: Commodities of empire; imperialism and gender; material culture, consumerism, fashion, and the home; social history of the middle and upper classes; Hanoverian politics and law; the home front (WWI & WWII).

Select Publications and Current Projects

Sara was creator and director of the inaugural issue of Clio: The Undergraduate History Students’ Journal in 2014. This is a peer-reviewed, academic, undergraduate journal at the University of Ottawa.

She additionally holds the Garth Wilson Memorial Public History Fellowship in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology.

Sara is currently co-organizing the 22nd annual Underhill Graduate Colloquium, which takes place in early March 2016.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant, Carleton University (HIST1001B) – The Making of Europe (2014-2015)

Teaching Assistant, Carleton University (HIST2802A)–War and Society in Modern Europe: The British Experience, 1786-1914 (Fall 2015)

Description of Research

Sara is researching the television programme “Downton Abbey’s” effect on England’s historical tourism industry. She is specifically looking at who may or may not benefit from money spent by tourists at filming locations, and conservation attempts at preserving and restoring these locations. She is also interested in the exportation of “Downton Abbey” around the world, perceptions and ownership of English identity, and the concept of nostalgia.