Leading Teams in Conflict Environments

The Professional Certificate in International Conflict Management ~ Leading Teams in Conflict Environments ~ program is a five-day workshop designed to develop leadership skills and competencies among public, non-governmental, private sector professionals engaged in the leading of multi-disciplinary, multi-role (civilian and police/military) and multi-functioning management teams in conflict environments.

This course is tailored for professionals from different institutional backgrounds expecting to lead teams in the field.

Working in conflict and crisis environments, personnel are often thrown into chaotic, ambiguous situations, where responding institutions often work at cross-purposes. Yet, increasingly, coordination and decision-making authority is being delegated to operators in the field. The goals of the course are to help student understand core leadership functions critical to working in conflict environments, and to develop the skills necessary to implement them.

The learning objectives of the program include:

  1. Develop leadership skills and functions in conflict environments.
  2. Learn methods for understanding ambiguous, volatile environments and how to work effectively in them.
  3. Develop skills and learn methods of effective Strategic communication.
  4. Acquire knowledge and learn how to address ethical dilemmas that arise when working in conflict environments.

Please note, this workshop is unavailable for the 2010-2011 program year.
