Chairs/ Directors (or in some cases Associate Deans)

The Dean will designate responsibility for timetabling in each Faculty, hereafter, referred to as the Academic Timetabler.  In most cases it will be the Chair or Director of each Academic Unit in the Faculty, but in some cases it will be the Associate Dean.  As designated by the Dean, these individuals retain responsibility for timetabling tasks within their Academic Unit or Faculty. However, they may delegate some of the timetabling tasks.  In cases where delegation occurs, Scheduling and Examination Services (SES) will be informed.

 1. The Academic Timetabler will deal with all matters concerning timetabling tasks within the Academic Unit, with the SES.

 2. The Academic Timetabler will oversee the collection and analysis of the data required and will approve the instructor, course and room information to be submitted to the SES.

 3. The Academic Timetabler will receive and evaluate instructors’ written, annual requests for special timetabling arrangements.  These are over and above the preference that each faculty member will have, to declare a preferred teaching block.  Documentation may be required to support a request. These requests are to be prioritized into three categories as described below:

         I.      Category 1 (Legislative Requirements)  – must accommodate
Requests relating to Carleton Human Rights Policy and Procedures will be accommodated up to the point of undue hardship to the University Please refer any questions regarding Accommodation obligations to Equity Services,  Please refer any questions regarding accommodation obligations from other legislation to Human Resources.

       II.      Category 2 (Reported Circumstances)  – will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate
Requests of a serious nature such as, but not limited to:
A medical condition that limits an individual’s availability for the full teaching day.

  • Other official academic responsibilities (academic responsibilities that have specific and
    regular scheduled commitments may request specific day or time).
  • Other circumstances that would create considerable difficulties if not accommodated.

III. Category 3 (Preferences) – may accommodate if possible

4. Due consideration will be given to all requests. However, the Academic Timetabler will strive to keep the number of Special Arrangements Requests forwarded to the SES to a minimum.  Decisions must be in accordance with applicable federal and provincial legislation and the CUASA Collective Agreement.  The Academic Timetabler, with knowledge of local conditions, is expected to balance the competing demands of individual instructors and the Unit’s obligation and responsibility to offer a timetable that meets the Unit’s academic program needs and that best benefits students.

 5. The Academic Timetabler will attempt to resolve all conflicts informally.

 6. The Academic Timetabler will notify instructors where it is not possible to approve Special Timetabling Arrangement requests.

 7. The Academic Timetabler will submit accurate, complete and timely scheduling data to the SES on all course offerings.  On an annual basis, the SES will inform all Academic Timetablers of the deadlines with regards to the production of the University timetable and will ensure adequate notice and timeframe.  The SES will also request annually a listing of courses requiring conflict-free scheduling.

 8. The Academic Timetabler will review draft timetable(s) from the SES to ensure that the timetabling needs of the Unit or Faculty have been met and provide any final requests/feedback prior to release of the timetable to students.

 Approved by ARC, January 24, 2007

Updated February 13, 2008

Reviewed November 19, 2009

Revised November 23, 2010

Reviewed November 22, 2011

Reviewed October 17, 2012

Reviewed October 10, 2013

Reviewed October 8, 2014

Reviewed October 21, 2015

Updated November 7, 2016

Reviewed November 16, 2017