If you are invited to present in the Research Snapshots session you should carefully prepare your slides following the instructions below:

1. Presenters will be given 6 minutes during the snapshots session to introduce their data. The purpose of the snapshots session is for presenters to inspire for further discussion among conference delegates, NOT to present complete results. Please keep to the strict 6 minute time limit so that everyone will have time to present and some minutes are left for questions from the audience at the end of all Snapshot presentations for that session.

2. Presenters should prepare 4 power point slides:

· The first slide should contain the title, the names of all authors, the institution(s) where the research was performed and any acknowledgements/funding sources, and contact information.

· The second slide should contain an overview of the background to the study and the key question/s being addressed.

· The third slide should contain brief information about the experimental design used to address the question (you can use a diagram, timeline and/or bullet points).

· The fourth slide should contain ONE figure OR photo to convey a main finding.

Presenters should not attempt to communicate all of their findings during the data blitz. Instead, the goal of the presentation should be to advertise their work and inspire consideration and discussion. This requires people to be selective about what aspects of the study (i.e., part of the introduction, methods and results) to include during the oral presentation.

3. A reasonable speaking rate is approximately 100 words per minute so if you are scripting your presentation you should aim for around 600 words.

You’ll need to submit your presentation on a USB drive the morning of your session so that all talks are uploaded in advance. The power point presentation will be posted on the conference website (with author permission), and an expanded version of 6 slides can be provided for this purpose.