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Art Brut!

ARTH 4705 / ARTH 5218

Art Brut!

Instructor: Professor Jill Carrick

This just-announced Spring 2014 course is built around an international symposium, “Art Brut and Materiality,” which will be held at Carleton University in Spring 2014.

It will also be accompanied by an exhibition held in the Carleton University Art Gallery’s exciting new Curatorial Laboratory space.

Art Brut (the name was coined by the French artist Jean Dubuffet) refers to art created by individuals who are usually non-professional and who are working outside of “official” art institutions, groups, standards and expectations. ARTH4705/5218 will be a hands-on, practical seminar and workshop that will fuse art historical research with: (1) a student-and-faculty curated exhibition on the work of the Scottish/Canadian art brut artist Scottie Wilson; and (2) an international conference, hosted by Carleton University, titled “Art Brut and Materiality.”  The conference will involve researchers working on new art historical and theoretical interpretations of Art Brut.

Student evaluation will be based on in-class participation, involvement in the exhibition, the preparation of critical response papers to symposium events, and a research paper.

For more information, please contact Professor Carrick.