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Courses Fall/Winter 2014-15

“Course Summaries” will be listed below as they become available – simply click on the course title to view the course summary information. Special Topics courses may vary from year to year.

Please note:



Art History and History and Theory of Architecture Students:

Please note that this year some course numbers have changed.



[slideme title=”ARTH 1100A Art and Society: Prehistory to the Renaissance – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 1101A Art and Society: Renaissance to the Present – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 1105B Art as Visual Communication – Winter term”]

Instructor: Morgan Currie

This class introduces and explores a number of themes pertaining to the notion of art as a form of visual communication through a wide range of works from various periods and contexts.. Topics include:


[slideme title=”ARTH 1200A History & Theory of Architecture 1: Prehistory to 1600 – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 1201A History & Theory of Architecture 2: 1600 to the present – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2002B Canadian Historical Art – Winter term”]

  • Instructor: Angela Carr
  • The format of the course will be chronological with thematic discussion of issues such as contact between the First peoples and European explorers, traders and settlers, therole of contemporary theory in re-evaluating 19th century classifications of knowledge, and the impact of contemporary critiques upon canonical interpretations. Selected examples of photography, graphic, decorative and folk arts will also be included, together with references to modern and contemporary works. Discussion will focus on how historical narratives structure knowledge in ways that reflect society and values. Attitudes toward the cultural production of women, First Nations, and minorities will be considered, as will the privileging of certain types of artistic production and the manner in which art, artists, patrons, and scholarly discourses have shaped the Canadian cultural reality.
  • Evaluation: Attendance 10% 1 mid-term test (1.25 hour) 30% 1 essay (2500 words) 30% 1 final exam 30%
  • Format: Lecture (3 hours)


[slideme title=”ARTH 2006A Arts of the First Peoples – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2007A Asian Art – Winter term*** note term change”]

Instructor: Anke Kausch

This course is an introduction to the arts and architecture of China, Japan, Korea, Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. It surveys religious, pictorial and decorative arts of the region from the Neolithic to the present and explores the intercultural exchange of ideas, materials and techniques throughout Asia. Examining key monuments and works of art of different regions, periods, media and styles, the course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of Asian art, its iconography, and the social, religious and historical circumstances it was created in.


[slideme title=”ARTH 2102A Greek Art and Archaeology clw/CLCV 2303A – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2202A Medieval Architecture and Art – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2310B Architecture of Early Modern Europe – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2405B European Art of 17th Century – Winter term”]



[slideme title=”ARTH 2510A Architecture of the 18th & 19th Century – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2600A Modern European Art: 1900-1945 – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2601A History and Theory of Photography – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 2610A Twentieth-Century Architecture – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3000B Themes in Canadian Art – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3002B Canadian Architecture clw/ARCH 4002B – Winter term”]

Instructor: Debanne, Marie Janine


[slideme title=”ARTH 3005A American Architecture – Fall term”]

  • Instructor: Angela Carr
  • A selected overview of American architecture from pre-history to the present, this course explores scholarly critiques in the field of architectural history and seeks todevelop study and research skills in the field of architectural history.
  • Evaluation:
    1. Attendance 10%
    2. Mid-Term Test 30%
    3. Essay 30%
    4. Final Examination 30%
  • Format: Lecture (3 hours)


[slideme title=”ARTH 3105A Studies in Roman Art clw/CLCV 3307A; RELI 3733A Fall-term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3106A History of Methods of Art History – Fall and Winter terms”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3107A History & Method of Architectural History – Fall term”]

  • Instructor: Angela Carr
  • This course will study of the methodologies and research approaches employed by architectural historians. Beginning with the foundations of architectural history in Renaissance humanism, the readings will follow the development of the discipline through modernism to more recent critical approaches dealing with gender and race as well as the current emphasis on inter-disciplinary study and the vernacular.
  • EVALUATION: Over the term students will be expected to summarize and present to the class two readings from the Course Outline (20% each). You will also be asked to prepare a journal with 2-page summaries from each of at least seven weeks of classes to synthesize your thinking over the course of the term (25%). Attendance (10%) Final examination (25%).
  • Prerequisite(s): third-year Honours standing or higher in History and Theory of Architecture, or permission of the Discipline.
  • Seminar three hours a week


[slideme title=”ARTH 3400A History of Printmaking – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3505A French Impressionism: Art, Leisure & Society – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3600B Modern Art from c.1945-c. 1980 – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3809A A Closer Look At Art and Visual Culture – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 3809B A Closer Look At Art and Visual Culture – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4000A Topics in Canadian Art – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4005A Topics in Contemporary Aboriginal Art – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4008A Transnational Theory clw/ARTH 5218F – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4305B Topics in Renaissance Art clw/ARTH 5113W – Winter term”]

Instructor: Klebanoff, Randi


[slideme title=”ARTH 4610A Topics in Modern Architecture or Design – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4809A Topic in Art History & Criticism clw/ARTH 5115F – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4809B Topic in Art History & Criticism clw/ARTH 5218B – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 4809C Topic in Art History & Criticism – Winter term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5010T Arts and Its Institutions – Fall and Winter terms”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5112F Topics in Historiography, Methodology and Criticism clw/CLMD 6106F; ENGL 5900X; HIST 5906F – Fall term”]

Instructor: Phillips, Mark


[slideme title=”ARTH 5113W Perspectives on Pre-Modernity clw/ARTH4305B – Winter term”]

Instructor: Klebanoff, Randi


[slideme title=”ARTH 5115F Topics in Modern & Contemporary Art clw/ARTH4809A – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5210F Topics in Aboriginal Art clw/CLMD 6902A – Fall term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5218B Museum Studies & Curatorial Practice clw/ARTH 4809B – Winter-term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5218F Museum Studies & Curatorial Practice clw/ARTH 4008A – Fall-term”]


[slideme title=”ARTH 5218W Museum Studies & Curatorial Practice clw/ANTH 5807W; CLMD 6104W; – Winter-term”]

Instructor Phillips, Ruth B.


[slideme title=”ARTH 5777W Art Exhibition Studio – Winter term”]
