Sunday, November 24, 2024Globe and Mail: Accessibility for ALLThe Abilities Living Laboratory is featured in an article Accessibility for ALL in the Globe and... MoreMonday, July 15, 2024All-Around Accessibility: New Carleton Lab Enhances Inclusion ResearchA news article introducing the new and exciting interdisciplinary Abilities Living Laboratory (ALL): "All-Around Accessibility: New Carleton Lab Enhances Inclusion... MoreTuesday, April 16, 2024Custom Fit: Creating AI-Powered Exoskeletons for Individual Mobility NeedsIn Canada, about 13.7% of individuals aged 15 and over report having mobility disabilities, requiring the use of assistive devices such as canes and wheelchairs to walk or climb stairs. Carleton University researcher Mojtaba Ahmadi is designing advanced exoskeletons – wearable robotic devices powered by artificial intelligence. Read the full... MoreWednesday, May 24, 2023Dr. Mojtaba Ahmadi awarded Faculty Graduate Mentoring AwardDr. Mojtaba Ahmadi was awarded a 2022-2023 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award (FGMA)! Congratulations to Dr.... MoreWednesday, May 24, 2023Adrian Chan Receives 2023 Research Achievement AwardDr. Adrian Chan received the 2023 Research Achievement Award for his outstanding research for the project titled Deep learning methods to identify ganglion cells to assess Hirschsprung... MoreMonday, March 13, 2023Canada Foundation for Innovation grant for the creation of the Abilities Living LaboratoryCarleton University has received a $2.37 million grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation to develop the Abilities Living Laboratory (ALL). To learn more about ALL, check out the article Canada Foundation for Innovation funding for Abilities Living Laboratory will enable academic researchers and community partners to co-create accessibility... More Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: