Photo of Fady Shanouda

Fady Shanouda

Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies

Degrees:PhD in Public Health Sciences; MA in Critical Disability Studies and BA in Anthropology and Law and Society

Research Interests

I am a critical disability studies scholar who draws on feminist new materialism and post-qualitative methodologies to examine the experiences of disabled, mad, and distressed students as they move through the eugenic and colonial university. I am interested in how these interactions materialize in the policies, technologies, and pedagogies that configure higher education and affect bodyminds of difference. I am deeply invested in how we conceptualize accessibility in contemporary higher education pedagogy and teaching practices and have written both scholarly articles and teaching guides on the significance of crip- and mad-informed teaching and learning pedagogy. Additionally, I have spent a decade working within disability communities outside academia to capture our histories, forge intergenerational connections, and develop and support the next generation of disabled activists interested in remaking their communities.


I understand access to be a shared responsibility. It materializes in our relational exchanges with one another and other material things. Access, therefore, must also be a practice; otherwise, it becomes a fleeting gesture. Moreover, we must never forget its origins – its histories in the collective action of disabled people and their allies in the disability rights movement.

Selected Publications

Spagnuolo, N. and Shanouda, F. (2017). Who counts and who’s counted? Conversations around voting, access, and divisions in the disability community. Disability & Society. 31(5), p. 701-719

Shanouda, F., Drake, L., and Mazrouei. S. (2018). Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation. Innovative Pedagogical Approaches to Access and Mental Health. Toronto, ON: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, University of Toronto.

Snyder, S., Pitt, K., Shanouda, F., Voronka, J., Reid, J., and Landry, D. (2019). Unlearning through Mad Studies:  Disruptive pedagogical praxis. Special Issue, Disability as Meta Curriculum: Epistemologies, Ontologies, and Transformative Praxis. Curriculum Inquiry. 49(4), p. 485-502

Shanouda, F. (2019). The Violent Consequences of Disclosure…and how disabled and mad students are pushing back. In, C. McMaster and B. Whitburn, (Eds.), Disability at the University: A Disabled Students’ Manifesto (12 pages). Peter Lang.

Shanouda, F. and Spagnuolo, N. (2020). Neoliberal methods of disqualification: A critical examination of disability-related educational supports in Canada. Journal of Education Policy. 36(4), p. 530-556

Shanouda, F. and Tran, A. (2020). Teaching Art and Design Online: A Toolkit for Faculty. Faculty & Curriculum Development Centre, OCAD University.

Shanouda, F. (2021). Medical Equipment: The Manifestation of Anti-Fat Bias in Medicine. In, H. A. Brown and N. Ellis-Ordway, (Eds), Weight Bias in Health Education. pp. 30-42. Routledge