What is am MMI?

MMI refers to Multiple Mini Interviews, and they are a series of short, structured interview stations used to assess candidates for admission to a health care program. Participants receive a question or scenario and typically have two minutes to prepare their answer before entering the interview station to provide the interviewer with their response which typically cannot be longer than eight minutes in length. At the end of each mini interview, the interviewer evaluates the candidates’ performance and the candidate moves to the next station. This is repeated through a number of rotations.

What is being evaluated in an MMI?

  • Critical Thinking
  • Ethical/Moral Decision Making
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Communication
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Empathy
  • Communication Skills
  • Societal Health Issues in Canada

Who are the interviewers? What are they evaluating?

Interviewers can be professors, students, or medical professionals. The interviewers are looking to evaluate whether you will be successful in their program and in the targeted discipline. Prepare your answers to demonstrate your ability to be a successful student, and professional. There is often no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer; however, the interviewer(s) will be evaluating how you explain your response, and your rationale.

Why do schools use the MMI method of interviewing?

 The MMI provides applicants with the opportunity to impress at each station. It provides flexibility in questions that is not possible with traditional interviews. Additionally, research has shown that the MMI is fairer to the applicants as there is less evaluator bias.

How do you prepare for an MMI?

As most schools have strictly withheld the interview questions from the public, it can be difficult to anticipate what you may face in an MMI. Many students prepare by ensuring they are aware of the cultural, societal issues with regard to the discipline, as well as remaining current with any medical issues in the media. It can also be helpful to research the ethics of your field.

Practice! Career Services provides mock interviews for students who have been contacted for an MMI. In these appointments it is especially important to practice time management, as you have two minutes to read the question or scenario and eight minutes to provide your response.