Portrait of Christine Streeter

Christine Streeter

PhD Candidate

School of Social Work (SSW)
Carleton University

SSW Profile
Email: christinestreeter@cmail.carleton.ca


“Comparing working conditions during COVID-19 to pre-pandemic conditions, in a low-wage care sector that supports vulnerable populations“

Supervised by Dr. Susan Braedley

Projects at the Care Work, Aging and Health Lab


Christine Streeter is a third-year PhD Student in the School of Social Work, with a specialization in Political Economy at Carleton University. As a social worker committed to improving insecure working conditions for care workers in the social work sector, her research explores precarious work and safety at work.

Under the supervision of Dr. Susan Braedley, her thesis research draws on feminist political economy to investigate women’s transitions from social work education to practice as an aspect of societal gendered divisions of labour.

Recently, she has been involved in ethnographic site studies involving unpaid work in long-term residential care, as well as identifying and comparing promising practices to support all groups of seniors when imagining age-friendly cities. She is currently leading a MITACS Accelerate Grant, on LGBTQI2S seniors’ and workers safety in health care, social care and municipal public services.