Sampat Sridhar

Dr. Sampat Sridhar, P.Eng, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University. He graduated with a B.Tech, M.Tech (IIT, Madras) and PhD (University of New Brunswick) all in Chemical Engineering. Following his PhD, he held faculty appointments as Teaching Post Doctoral Fellow at UNB and then became an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Sherbrooke. After three years, he joined AECL’s Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment in Manitoba. As Head of Process Development, along with his team of engineers, scientists and technologists, he had designed, directed and successfully demonstrated, the incorporation of simulated High Level Nuclear Reprocessing Wastes in leach-resistant glass monoliths, suitable for geologic disposal. This complex process demonstration was carried out in the large pilot-plant Waste Immobilization Process Engineering (WIPE) Facility (~$ 7M) at WNRE. He had also developed and patented the Rotospray Calciner and the Flashcal process to produce tailored ceramic powders for the manufacture of novel Ceramic Tool Bits and mixed-oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel precursors. In 1989 he moved to AECL Head Office in Ottawa to become the Scientific Advisor and Manager of Energy Strategies in Strategic Technology Management. He represented AECL on the Federal Interdepartmental Science and Technology Committees (1989-92). He had also represented Canada at International Study Panels as, Chair, Technical Experts Group, Environmental Impacts of Energy Systems, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1990) and as Invited Panelist, IEA/OECD Conference on Energy Technology Policy for Sustainable Development, Netherlands (1991).
In 1993 he was invited to join Carleton University as a Full Professor and founding faculty for the establishment of the new Environmental Engineering Program. His research areas include, Treatment of Industrial Effluents by Photochemical and Biological Processes, Environmental Impact Assessment, Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Management, Regulatory Policy Development and Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Optimization. He had also been an Invited Visiting Scientist at CANMET (NRCAN) Laboratories in Ottawa doing research on mining effluents containing arsenic, cyanide and ammonia with a distinguished group of scientists. Many of his graduate students were provided with excellent laboratory space and analytical facilities at CANMET for carrying out their thesis research.
Since retirement, he has been invited by the Research Grants Commission of Hong Kong, several times in the past and also currently (Feb 2024) to be an External Examiner for assessing the Research Proposals made by Professors and Researchers for Grants for their research in areas such as Nuclear Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Optimization, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Urban Planning and Environmental Chemistry. He has also been invited to be the External Examiner for Faculty Promotions in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
Research Interests
Environmental impact assessment of technology, fuel cycles for electric power generation, alternative fuels, solid-liquid-gas pollution control in industrial processes, hazardous and radioactive waste management, industrial wastewater treatment, UV-based technologies and environmentally-benign technologies.
Research Team
- Liang Zou M.A.Sc. (2007) Arsenic Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Photo-oxidation
- Sandeep Singh M.Eng. (2005) Policy Implications of Ethanol Blended Gasoline Use in Canada: A Sustainable Production Analysis
- Wei Li M.A.Sc. (2003) Removal of Thiocyanate from Industrial Effluents by Biological and Photochemical Processes
- Aimée Smith M.Eng. (2000) Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach to Optimization of Fuel-Mix Choice for Electric Power Generation under Environmental Impact Constraints.
- Lingling Liu M.Eng. (1999) Ammonia Removal from Industrial Wastewater–Analysis of Photochemical Reactor Performance
- Xinhua Yang M.Eng. (1998) Advanced Photo-oxidation Process for Ammonia Removal from Industrial Wastewater.