The Conflict in Kashmir

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Table of Contents

  1. The Conflict in Kashmir
  2. Peace and Conflict Indicators: Method of Diagnosis
  3. A Brief History of the Region:
  4. What is a conflict impasse?
  5. Nature of issues underlying the conflict at its origins: PIOOM
  6. Factors Responsible for Continuation of Armed Conflict:PIOOM
  7. General Survey of Influential Actors: Political, Military, Paramilitary Parties and Groups
  8. Most important Conflict Indicators: Kashmir
  9. Continued….
  10. Most Important Peace Indicators:Kashmir
  11. Trends and Possible Scenarios: General Characteristics
  12. Worst Case Scenario: Kashmir
  13. Continued….
  14. Trends and Possible Scenarios: General Characteristics
  15. Best Case Scenario: Kashmir
  16. Continued….
  17. Trends and Possible Scenarios: General Characteristics
  18. Most Likely Scenario: Kashmir
  19. Continued….
  20. Conclusions to be Drawn: Kashmir
  21. End