October 31, 12-1PM Zoom
Dr. Waters will speak to the Fossil Fuel Ads Make us Sick campaign led by the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and why working towards a Fossil Fuel advertising ban is critical to addressing the climate crisis.
Bio: Dr. Waters is a community-based Family Physician practicing in Ottawa for over 10 years. I also work with hospitalized cancer patients at the Ottawa Hospital and teach medical students about Planetary Health. I have been involved in advocacy regarding the intersections of climate change and health alongside CAPE as well as in other spheres, both professionally and at the community level.
Resource List
- Fossil Fuel Ads Make Us Sick
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
- Re.Climate: The Five Canadas
- PaRx People: A Conversation with Christina Keys and Dr. Eugenie Waters
News Sources:
- Canada’s two largest cities are cracking down on fossil fuel ads
- UN chief calls for fossil fuel ads to be banned like cigarette ads
Sources on Greenwashing:
- Pollution is Colonialism, Max Liboirons