Study – Job Search: Students will gain access to the Co-op Job Board in mySuccess once they have been conditionally admitted into the Co-op Program by the Co-op Program Administration Team. Students will conduct their job search in the term directly prior to their scheduled work term (e.g., for a summer work term, the job search will start at the beginning of the winter term). Job board access will open on the first day of the first month of the term (i.e., Fall = May 1, Winter = September 1, and Summer = January 1). Graduate Departments will complete a second assessment of co-op eligibility once final grades are available.

Your Co-op Student Advisor will be in contact with you leading up to your job search. Students will be able to see job postings for the work terms listed in their co-op sequence on mySuccess.

Number of work terms to obtain the Co-op Designation: Graduate students must complete two co-op work terms to obtain the Co-op Designation. Students are scheduled for two consecutive work terms when admitted to the Co-op Program. MA/JD students are only eligible for admission in the winter semester. Due to their availability, MA/JD students are scheduled for a single work term in the corresponding summer term.