The entire Department of Cognitive Science wishes to Congratulate a record FIVE Undergraduate students being awarded each a University Medal in Cognitive Science in this Spring’s 2024 Convocation.

The five award winners include:

Meagan Choo-Kang

In her words:

I did not originally intend to go into cognitive science. I discovered this program by accident when I was looking to switch majors after my first year of university. The interdisciplinary nature of cognitive science drew me in, allowing me to pursue my love of computer science while also exploring other disciplines and learning about the brain. I’m very glad I decided to switch to cognitive science, and I wouldn’t have chosen any other program.

One of the highlights of my program was during my co-op year when I had the opportunity to work as a 5G software developer at Ericsson. The interdisciplinary knowledge I gained from cognitive science provided me with a unique perspective in the workplace, and my classes on artificial intelligence helped me succeed in my position.

I’m grateful for my wonderful professors and the friends I’ve met along the way. I could not have done it without their support.

Liza Kahwaji

In her words:

I am very honoured to receive the University Medal in FASS. My time in Cognitive Science has been an amazing and rewarding journey. The program’s interdisciplinary nature was what initially drew me in, and over the past four years, each course has deepened my understanding of human thought and behaviour from new perspectives. Throughout my undergrad degree, I discovered new passions and learned new skills that will continue to shape my future.

In addition, the cognitive science community enriched my university experience. I made many connections through courses and volunteering with the Carleton Cognitive Science Association (CCSA). My classmates became friends, and my professors became mentors, especially my supervisors. I deeply appreciate all of the kindness, support, and guidance I have received from my first day to my last. The Cognitive Science department will always be considered my home.

Rabeaa Khan

In her words:

My journey with the cognitive science program began with uncertainty. I had heard about the program from a friend and thought it sounded quite interesting, but I was unsure how I would fit into it. However, I grew to love its interdisciplinary nature and felt I gained a well-rounded understanding of the human mind. Through this journey, I learned about myself and discovered new interests and passions, especially within the field of cognitive neuroscience.

I have learned so much throughout my time here, but my final year was especially significant. Working on my undergraduate thesis with Dr. John Anderson at the CANAL lab really enriched my experience as a cognitive science student. Collaborating closely with lab members and seeing how rich academic conversations can be, and how the knowledge gained in the classroom can be applied to real-life research, was very rewarding.

I have achieved more than I thought I was capable of, and that is in part thanks to all the professors, TAs, lab members, classmates, friends, and family who have helped and supported me along the way.

Chloé Lachance-Soulard

In her words:

When applying to university as a high school student, I was unsure of the direction I wanted to take for my studies. After choosing cognitive science, I quickly realized that I could not have made a better choice.

The Carleton Cognitive Science program has allowed me to learn so much about myself and to explore new passions. For example, I started the program with a fear of computer science and ended with a minor in the field. I was also able to continue learning about subjects I am passionate about such as neuroscience and psychology.

In the fall, I will be starting my Master of Cognitive Science degree under the supervision of Dr. Chris Herdman, whom I was lucky enough to have as an undergraduate thesis supervisor as well.

I would like to say a big thank you to Dr. Herdman, and also to Dr. Kathleen Van Benthem and Dr. Kim Hellemans who have all played an important role in my academic career.

Rawan Othman

In her words:

As someone with many interests spanning various fields, picking an undergraduate major was difficult. As an interdisciplinary program, Cognitive Science allowed me to explore all my different passions. I was able to have neuroscience as my concentration while also gaining experience with psychology, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics.

I have grown and learned so much during my time in the Cognitive Science program. I was able to complete a FASS summer research project with Dr. Nadiya Slobodenyuk. I went on to complete an independent study project with Dr. Chris Herdman, who was also my undergraduate thesis supervisor. I would like to thank them, along with Dr. Kathleen Van Benthem for the important role they’ve played in my academic growth.

In the fall, I will be starting a Master of Science degree at the University of Ottawa, an opportunity I would not have pursued if it weren’t for my incredible experience in the Cognitive Science program at Carleton.

The Department of Cognitive Science is very happy and honoured to celebrate these five distinct University Medal student winners in the Department of Cognitive Science.

We wish all of them good luck and  the best to come in the years ahead.