Looking for an interesting Winter term course? CGSC 4900/5005 has just been posted.

Most cognitive scientists would agree that to understand how the human mind works, we need to understand how the human brain allows for cognitive functions. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the topics of cognitive neuroscience and provide students with some hands-on experience of collecting and analyzing neural data.

The course will be comprised of lectures and discussions that will cover basics of neuroanatomy, key methods of cognitive neuroscience (including fMRI, EEG/ERPs, MEG, and fNIRS), and analyses techniques.

This 4th / 5th split course is offered on Tuesdays from 1135 – 1425 and will be in-person.
Please note: 4th year students require Departmental Permission; submit an override request.

This course is also offered at the graduate level, but with different requirements, as CGSC 5005. Note that additional credit is precluded.