Fall 2024
All Colloquia are held from 15:00-16:00 or 16:30 in DT 2203 and via Zoom.

See below for dates and topics. For the most current details, including the zoom links, consult the Department’s linktree account 

Date Topic
September 25 Modeling Retrieval Processes in Semantic Processing using Associating Nets with Dr. Kevin Shabahang
October 2 Lab Showcase – CANAL Lab: Cognition and Neuroscience of Aging
October 9 No Colloquium
October 16 Thinking about Thinking: The Science and Practice of Metacognitive Skills with Brendan Conway-Smith
October 23 READING WEEK – No Colloquium
October 30 Panel: Choosing and Securing a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Dr. John Anderson, Dr. Shuyuan Yu and Brendan Conway-Smith
November 6 No Colloquium
November 13 Speed Networking Event – WiCSC+ Trainee & Colloquium Committee Collaboration
November 20 Panel: Conducting and Publishing Research in Global South Countries with
Dr. Marie Chantal Ingabire (Rwanda), Dr. Maria Inés Susperreguy (Chile), Dr. Ricardo Moura (Brazil), and Abbey Gandhi (IDRC)
November 27 Professional Development Workshop: Github with Tyler Call

You can also consult this Schedule