2023 Early Career Researcher Conference: Call for proposals

2023 Early Career Researcher Conference: Call for Proposals

The Early Career Researcher Conference is an online, multidisciplinary conference hosted by the Centre for Research on Inclusion at Work (CRIW). Scholars exploring workplace inclusion-related issues among traditionally underrepresented populations, will come together to present their research and exchange ideas. The conference is aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration.

Who should apply: CRIW is inviting applications from graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty early in their careers or who are new to research on equity, diversity and inclusion. We encourage contributions from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, social work, psychology, anthropology, business, education, gender studies and others.

Research topics: All research focused on the work-related experiences of those from traditionally underrepresented populations (for example, Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), immigrants, women, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ and youth) is welcomed. Both empirical and theoretical contributions are encouraged.

Proposal submission instructions

If you wish to present a paper at the conference, please submit in two separate files:

  • a title page containing the title of the project, along with the name(s), position(s), institutional affiliation(s) and contact information of all authors;
  • a 500-word abstract, including a statement of research questions, theoretical framework, methods and the main findings or argument (as relevant for the type of paper you are submitting).

Submissions are now closed for 2023.


This is a free event, but registration is required. Registration for different sessions may be necessary. A registration form will be available on the event page.

Important dates

April 26, 2023 Proposal submission deadline
May 4, 2023 Returning of proposals with peer review and feedback
June 19, 2023 Early Career Researcher Conference

Accessibility Accommodations

For questions about accessibility or to request any accommodations, please contact CRIW at criw@carleton.ca. Kindly send any requests for accommodations by June 1, 2023.