Online audio-visual, easily accessible materials

The World Trade Organization offers several YouTube clips on the issues related to women and trade. The following were posted in 2010. The clips can be found here

Title: Women and Trade. Watch it by clicking here.

Title: Women and Global Trade. Watch it by clicking here.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, in collaboration with the International Trade Centre offers the following.

Title: Meg Jones, Women and Trade Programme of the International Trade Centre (2012). Watch it by clicking here.

Title: Global Platform for Action on Sourcing from Women Vendors (2012). Watch it by clicking here.

Gender Equality Rights and Trade Conference. On December 2, 2010, the University of Ottawa was the host of a one-day conference organized by the North South Institute in collaboration with the University of British Columbia’s Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution Project, the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and the School of International Development and Global Studies. The theme was “Gender Equality Rights and Trade Rules”. Watch the conference.

The Asia Foundation.

Title: Access to Trade and Growth of Women’s SMEs in APEC Developing Economies (2013). Watch it by clicking here.

Title: Access to Credit: Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh (2010). Watch it by clicking here.

FEMNET offers the following:  Economic Governance: African Women’s Engagement in Trade Agreements (2012).Watch it by clicking here.

Gender-sensitive Value chain Analysis – Visualisation impressions from a Training in the MENA-Region. Watch it by clicking here.

The World Bank offers the following: Mind the Gap: Gender Equality and Trade in Africa (2013). Watch it by clicking here.

The World Bank’s Think Equal program offers a wide range of videos on gender equality more broadly, and some of the topics that are related to trade and economic opportunity. Watch the playlist by clicking here.

Other resources

Terjesen, S. Amoros, J.E .(2010)Female Entrepreneurship in Latin America and the Caribbean: Characteristics, drivers and relationship to economic development” The European Journal of Development Research 22, no 3  (2010): (313-330)

On-line resources and tool kits:

The Caribbean Export Development Agency provides a number of services and online tool kits for exporters. Available here.

The former Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), now part of the Department for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, produced a primer on Gender Equity and Trade related capacity building.


Print Sources

Blouin, Chantal and Priyanka Debnath. (2011) CARICOM return migration and brain circulation: case study of Caribbean-born nurses. In Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. Vol 17, No 2, June 2011, 101-114.

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). (2003) Gender Equality and Trade-related Capacity Building. Ottawa: CIDA.

Carillo, Miguel. (2014). Lecture given at the workshop “Gender Mainstreaming in Caribbean Trade Policies and Programmes; promoting Gender Equity for Improved Trade and Development”, Caribbean Development Bank Conference Centre, Bridgetown, June 17.

Cave Hill School of Business (2012) GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP MONITOR, BARBADOS 2012 SUMMARY REPORT GEM, Barbados report,

Fontana, Marzia. (2009) Gender Justice in Trade Policy: The gendered effects of Economic Partnership Agreements: Gender and Trade. One World Action. Accessed online

Hagen, Markéta von (2014) Trade and Gender – exploring a reciprocal relationship: Approaches to mitigate and measure gender-related trade impacts. Kathmandu: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Higgins, Kate (2012). Gender Dimensions of Trade Facilitation and Logistics: A guidance note. Washington: the World Bank.

Inder Ruprah, Karl Melgarejo, and Ricardo Sierra. (2014) IS THERE A CARIBBEAN SCLEROSIS?

Stagnating Economic Growth in the Caribbean. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank, page 14

International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group. (2014) Washington: IFC. Accessed on August XXX. Available by clicking here.

MacLaren, Barbara. (2013) Free trade Agreements in Peru and Colombia: Monitoring Impacts from a Gender Perspective. Ottawa: The North South Institute.