ITS and TLS are currently aware of the following issues with cuLearn:

  • Announcement posts continue to publish on the forum for viewing within cuLearn, but announcement emails are not being delivered in a timely manner or at all. This issue also impacts forum subscriptions in cuLearn. Until this issue is fixed, the recommendation is to post your message on the cuLearn Announcement forum and send the message using the Mail block tool in cuLearn, which will send out emails quickly.
  • Gradebook columns are not fully removed when an instructor deletes activities from the course. The deletion process does not finish and instructors will see a message at the top of the page. “Warning: Activity deletion in progress! Some grades are about to be removed.” as well as a “Deletion in progress” added to the column name. We recommend hiding these columns until the system is able to delete them fully.
  • The course recycle bin is not functioning at this time.

These issues are interrelated to how cuLearn stores data associated with notifications and certain actions by users with the instructor role in the learning management system. ITS is working at an alternative to how these notifications are processes and stored.

TLS  is also investigating the following:

  • Ratings issues – some old courses seem to have the “rate Posts” permission added for students, but new rated forums do not.
  • Graded forum issues – not displaying students posts when there are posts if you move between students too quickly