Weather and Climate Data
Unless otherwise noted, all data provided here are for our eastern Ontario pilot study area.
- Daily climate baseline (1971-2000) for all Soil Landscapes of Canada polygons. Average daily maximum and minimum temperature, and total precipitation, averaged across years. CSV format, in a .ZIP file
- Daily weather data (in-filled 1969-2015) from selected weather stations across Canada. CSV files in a .ZIP file
- Historic in-filled daily data for representative weather stations in eastern Ontario (1961-2010)
- Projected daily data for representative weather stations in eastern Ontario, provided by PCIC (2011-2100)
- Projected daily data (NetCDF format) for eastern Ontario, provided by PCIC:
- Historic gridded weather data – 10 km regular grid, Canada:
- CSV files in a .ZIP archive, one file per grid, with a node list listing grid locations
- GCM forecasts using 10 km regular grid for eastern ON, provided by PCIC