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Module 2 — Communicating with Customers with Disabilities

Image of Powerpoint presentation and notes prepared using word processingCommunicating & Interacting with Customers with Disabilities

Let’s say you are a teaching assistant in history and you are preparing a lecture on key dates in the Roman Empire timeline. These days many people deliver lectures using presentation software such as PowerPoint or prepare notes using word processing. You would prepare your slides or notes as usual, then create a text-only version (perhaps using the cut & paste features) and save this file separately. Using this electronic file, you or the services on campus that provide alternate formats can easily transfer the information in several alternate formats, including Braille, enlarged font and text that can be read using screen software.

Did You Know?

Websites and web content can also be designed to be accessible to persons with disabilities. The Adaptive Resource Technology Centre (ARTC) at the University of Toronto has created an online course that you can take to learn more about website accessibility. See Sources and Resources for the link to this free course. Alternatively, contact your information technology services office for information, resources and tools available at your university.

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