Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

EVENT: Eastern Europeans in the UK: The Main Driving Force of post-Brexit Economy and Diversity?

October 3, 2024 at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Location:3112 Richcraft Hall

DATE: October 3rd, 2024

TIME: 3:00-4:30pm

LOCATION: 3112 Richcraft Hall

Registration is required. Please register using the form below.

Event Description:

As a nativist and xenophobic backlash in the UK continues to be vigorous as on the eve of Brexit
period, British native societies (English, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, and Irish) cannot bid ultimate
farewell to multiculturalism on account of local Eastern European diaspora. This lecture illustrates why
‘soft Brexit’ accepted loose migrant control for EU nationals living in Britain amid lack of opportunity
for British capitalist sectors to replace foreign-born labour by native workforce. The audience will gain
insights about why it is mandatory for British multiculturalism to enact more EU-inclusive policies
towards diasporas from Eastern European states such as Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, whose work
ethic can contribute socio-economic prosperity for the post-Brexit UK.

About the speaker:

Konstantin Manyakin is an aspired scholar, who aims to contribute original academic expertise on recent nationalist backlash across Western societies in regards to ethnocultural diversity flourished by immigrant communities. Manyakin commenced academic examination on how Europe has suddenly shifted from ethnocentrism into multiculturalism in the aftermath of the end of Colonialism, collapse of the Soviet Bloc, and emergence of Neo-Liberal Globalization.

His doctoral dissertation, Between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: The Rights of EU Denizens in the UK (2024), defended at the University of Essex, elaborated on why the EU treaties failed to achieve fully-pledged protection of status for Eastern European nationals who may face more vulnerability of exclusion and deportation in post-Brexit Britain.


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