Students in Professor Viju-Miljusevic’s course EURR 4201/5201 (“EU-China Relations: Past, Present and Future”) conducted a simulation of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) in December 2022. The initiative was supported by the Jean Monnet Chair in EU External Relations. The Chair invited Dr. Jan Grzymski from the Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw University, who is an expert in game design to support the development of the simulation game. After extensive preparations, students negotiated issues related to market access, level playing field and sustainable development. Each student was assigned the role of an actor participating in the investment negotiation process, including the European Commission President, representatives of the Council of the EU and the EU Parliament as well as DG Trade (for the EU team) and the Premier, representatives of the State Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National’s People’s Congress as well as Ministry of Commerce (for China team).