In 2024 we published 12 papers.

In our habitat fragmentation research: we found positive effects of fragmentation on the iconic Glanville fritillary butterfly metapopulation (pdf); we showed that patch-scale edge effects are not evidence of landscape-scale fragmentation effects (pdf); we found no lag effects of fragmentation on lichens (pdf); and we discovered a disturbing lack of fragmentation research in the boreal forest (pdf). And, we made progress in reconciling the fragmentation debate (pdf, pdf).

In other research, we showed that there is little evidence that wildlife over-passes and under-passes mitigate the effects of roads on animal movement (pdf). We found huge uncertainty in predicting the effects of climate change on Arctic shorebird distributions (pdf). We found yet more reason for concern over the fate of the migratory monarch butterfly population (pdf), we identified habitat needs of songbirds during migration (pdf), and we found support for the common space-for-time substitution in landscape ecology studies (pdf).