IDRC and LERRN participated in an innovation lab at the UNHCR HCD and IDRC presented a pledge on localization and centring Global South voices in academic research, with partners:

  • Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network (GAIN)
  • Sergio Vieira de Mello Chairs (De Mello Chairs)
  • Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT)
  • Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table (R-SEAT)
  • Chair in International Forced Migration, Inclusion and Human Rights, University of Guadalajara-IDRC
  • University for Peace – Latin American Observatory on Human Mobility, Climate Change and Disasters (MOVE-LAM)
  • Tertiary Refugee Students Network (TRSN)
  • U.S. Refugee Advisory Board (USRAB)
  • International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo Institute)