Marshall Palmer, a PhD student in The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), is focusing his dissertation on foreign electoral intervention which became a major news topic after Donald Trump’s election in 2016. Palmer wants to shed light on three aspects of electoral intervention.

  • Why do states intervene in foreign elections?
  • Why do some interventions aim to change votes while others only focus on changing minds?
  • Do successful interventions result in post-electoral cooperation between the intervener and the target state?

“The existing research focuses on the intersection of interest and opportunity in answering these questions,” explained Palmer. “But my own hunch is that the health of the target state’s underlying democratic institutions is just as important. States with robust institutions should be less likely to be targeted for intervention and, if they are targeted, less likely to be hit by the most aggressive methods of intervention.”

Read full story in Graduate Students News…

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 in ,
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