By Mandy Sinclair

Dwayne Winseck was never the type who believed that better knowledge rested on better data alone. He still doesn’t. However, after a couple of decades watching debates over fundamental questions regarding the state of the communications and media systems at Canadians’ disposal take place, in what Winseck calls a “‘data-free’ zone, filled with the views of interested parties,” he decided to take action.

Dwayne Winseck sitting in his library holding a bookWinseck’s concern is that communication and media scholars are generally not at the table or they’re working toward different timelines and priorities “while the non-stop communication, Internet and media policy issues that,” as Winseck says he has regretfully come to learn, if not fully accept, “never seems to stop.”

Read full story in Reseach News…

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 in , ,
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