Stephen Welch, Consulting Analyst in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs (FPA), provides support to faculty and administrative staff in FPA and works along with Information Technology Services (ITS).

Stephen is located in A621 Loeb Building and can be reached at or at extension 1401.

Answers to some frequently asked questions appear below. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please contact Stephen or fill in the form below which will be sent to Stephen’s attention.

Thank you.

General Resources

Frequently asked Questions

Why are my emails disappearing?

This could be due to two new features introduced in Outlook called “Clutter“and “Conversations“.

Where should I be saving my files?

Work related data should be saved on your w: drive only. Personal information should be stored on your p: drive. Data stored in these locations is backed up daily and can be accessed when logged onto any computers on campus.

Can I access my Exchange/Outlook email from home?

Yes, your email is available on the web using any web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox by using

How can I reduce the amount of spam email I receive?

ITS is going to great lengths to reduce the spam email the University receives daily. You can help to reduce this amount by not using your work email for non-work related external posts or registrations.


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