Justin Bergamini is a communications student in the School of Journalism and Communication. He attended the Managing Migration in World Society: International Organizations in Migration Politics conference as part of FPA Research Month.

On March 10th and 11th Carleton University’s Faculty of Public and Global Affairs hosted a research conference entitled Managing Migration in World Society: International Organizations in Migration Politics as part of its FPA Research Month.

 This two day conference not only acted as a platform to display the breadth of research on the topic of migration that is emerging from the faculty, but as a workshop for experts and academics to come together and share their ideas with one another and those in attendance.

 The conversation surrounding migration is often very much focused on the migrants themselves, whereas this conference and the research being presented focused on how to manage migration, and the role that international organizations, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Labour Organization and the International Organization for Migration play in managing migration.

 The depth of speakers at the conference and the variety of issues relating to migration highlight the very complex nature of managing migration. These topics included the history of migration, the politicization of migrants and migration, the internal dynamics of international organizations and the economics of migration.

 The conference hosted experts from across the globe who delivered unique and pertinent perspectives on the issue of migration management. In addition to speeches, there were roundtables held throughout the conference, whereby a panel of experts discussed issues relating to migrants. These semi-structured discussions also allowed for audience members to become engaged and ask the panel questions, which took the discussion to a wide variety of places.

 The research presented at the conference, and the discussions that followed, speak volumes about the complexity of migration management in a world society, and even greater volumes of the quality research being produced by Carleton University’s Faculty of Public and Global Affairs.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016 in , ,
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