Philip Lagassé, Associate Professor in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs.

Associate Professor Philippe Lagassé has been reappointed as a special advisor to the Minister of National Defence for a three-year period.

Professor Lagassé holds the Barton Chair in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA), He will serve on the Independent Review Panel for Defence Acquisition, which was established to provide independent reviews of military procurement projects with a budget of 100 million dollars or more to the Minister of National Defence.

“It is an honour to have been reappointed to the panel,” says Professor Lagassé. “Given my research on policy-making and defence affairs, serving as a panel member gives me a first-hand understanding of how the Canadian Armed Forces maintains its operational relevance and develops the forces of the future.”

He explains that the process begins when a capability deficiency has been identified by the Canadian Armed Forces and a project is established to address the gap. It may involve acquiring new equipment or extending the life of existing platforms. In other cases, these projects involve acquiring or updating information technologies or infrastructure.

Once the requirements are refined and a preferred option to address the capability gap is proposed, the panel reviews it again and then prepares their advice for the Minister. Since the panel was established in May 2015, they have reviewed more than twenty projects and advised the Minister on more than ten.

Professor Lagassé is one of several faculty members in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs who have served as expert witnesses and consultants for the House of Commons, Senate, public service, the military, and non-governmental agencies. Names were provided by the Chairs and Directors of specific units.

  • Criminology: Nicolas Carrier and Jeffrey Monaghan acted as external experts to the Department of Justice on their State of the Criminal Justice System Report.
  • Journalism & Communication: Rena Bivens appeared before the Standing Committee on the Status of Women Canada to speak on violence against women and girls in Canada. Josh Greenberg advised the WHO on Zika risk communication and co-authored a report for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Irena Knezevic testified before the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food and participated in the National Food Summit, hosted by the Minister of Agriculture. Sarah Smith spoke at the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade on cultural diplomacy.
  • EURUS: Achim Hurrelmann testified before the Senate International Affairs Committee. Jeff Sahadeo advised the Global Centre for Pluralism.
  • NPSIA: In addition to Professor Lagassé, Stephanie Carvin testified on Bill C-59 at a House of Commons committee. Meredith Lilly spoke on NAFTA to the Natural Resources Canada Speaker Series. Alex Wilner consulted with ESDC, the RCMP, the Communications Security Establishment, and others.
  • Political Economy: Peter Andree is working with Food Secure Canada and others promoting a national food policy for Canada. (also Political Science)
  • Political Science: Bill Cross testified to the Special Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform. Piotr Dutkiewicz spoke to the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and International Development. (also EURUS)
  • Social Work: Susan Braedley advised CUPE researchers, the New Brunswick Council of Hospital Unions, the Mental Health Commission of Canada and others.
  • SPPA: Marc-André Gagnon testified before the Standing Committee on Health, in the Quebec Parliament, and assisted the Parliamentary Budget Officer in a report on universal pharma care. Alexandra Mallett worked with NRCan’s Canada’s Clean Technology Task Team to implement clean technology programs in Budget 2017. Robert Shepherd is advising the Deputy Minister’s Task Force on Reconciliation in Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.

Monday, June 11, 2018 in , ,
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