The Institute of Political Economy within the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs will be introducing a new graduate diploma in work and labour in 2020. The course work will examine the changing nature of work and labour, and reflect how the study of these subjects has evolved.

“The approach to questions of climate change, settler colonialism and decolonization has undergone a profound transformation in the last few years, and we hope our students will get a good sense of that,” said adjunct research faculty member Jane Stinson.

The graduate diploma allows students enrolled in the Institute of Political Economy to include the diploma along with their degree. It also invites community members to enroll for professional or academic purposes.

“Graduates of this program will develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies in the areas of work and labour. They will gain a strong understanding of the social relations which constitute the formal and informal economy.”

Admissions information for Graduate Diploma, Work and Labour

Carleton University story on Graduate Diploma, Work and Labour

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in ,
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