By Jenna Hobin

Kyla Reid

Credit: Bryan Gagnon

“The value of what we do is not just about Carleton. Whether they are students or faculty members, these are people at Carleton making a wider social impact.” In her position as Manager of Research Services & Initiatives in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs, Kyla Reid has the opportunity to see the scope of diverse initiatives that are making a difference in our local and global communities.

From seeing undergraduate students embark on experiential learning opportunities, to working with researchers on multi-million dollar grants, Kyla’s role has given her an appreciation for the impact that Carleton is making beyond our campus. This led her to donate to the FPA Student International Experience Fund to help ensure that international learning opportunities are accessible to students, regardless of their socio-economic background.

“I think FutureFunder helps to highlight a breadth of projects that individuals at Carleton are engaged in, so you can find something that speaks to you,” Kyla says. This fund resonated with Kyla through her work in the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs, as she would see the direct benefit that international experiences have on students. As she says, “Many of the students who participate go on to have careers in civil society, and these opportunities help them see the world through a different lens.”

As a loyal donor to the FPA Student International Experience Fund, Kyla made her second gift to this initiative in honour of Professor André Plourde. In June 2020, André ended his term as Dean of the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs, and she thought a donation was fitting to recognize both his leadership and contributions to the faculty.

Kyla with her pugs, Ashfield and Bronwyn

Kyla with her pugs, Ashfield and Bronwyn

Although Kyla has two charming pugs and an at-home CrossFit gym keeping her busy during the pandemic, she is looking forward to getting back to campus. As she says, “Carleton is such a close-knit group of people. It really is a community where you feel like you have a role in its long-term successes.” By giving through Carleton, Kyla felt like it was one of the ways that she could have her own part in supporting our students. She continues, “You don’t have to give a lot, but those small donations collectively add up over time to make a difference.”

Behind the Donor Curtain

Do you have a personal motto or saying?

Hannah Arendt is my favourite philosopher and she has a quote that says: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes.

If you could meet anyone who inspires you, who would it be?

Absolutely Barack Obama.

What profession other your own would you like to attempt?

I think I would have loved to be a librarian. I have come to learn that being a librarian is a lot different than what I thought it was, and I think I would really enjoy it.

Where is your favourite spot on campus?

I really like the picnic table area along River Road. It is a nice place to go and sit, or to take a run along there while hearing the sound of the water.

What inspires you to ‘do good’ by supporting the Carleton community?

Seeing the things that our students and faculty are doing is really amazing. To even just have a little part in that is really nice.

Thursday, March 18, 2021 in ,
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