Administered by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International), the Carleton University Achievement Awards were established to recognize outstanding achievements in teaching and research.

Be sure to view past Research Achievement Award winners and the Teaching Achievement Award winners too!

Research Achievement Award

This year, two members from the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs were among the recipients of the Carleton University Research Achievement Awards.

Stephan Schott

School of Public Policy and Administration

Project: Stakeholder and Rightsholder Engagement and Decision-making for Forestry Resources and Stewardship

This research will address important topics that are all related to forestry management and stewardship with the objectives of advancing Indigenous self-governance and effective coordination between multiple levels of government, rightsholders, and stakeholders. We anticipate that it will contribute to more transparent decision-making, more adaptive forestry management, and more inclusive governance with a wider variety of objectives taken into consideration when choosing management and policy options.

Erin Tolley, Political ScienceErin Tolley

Department of Political Science

Project: Black Canadians in Electoral Politics

There are nearly 1.5 million Black Canadians in Canada, but we know very little about their political presence because research tends to rely on aggregate categories like “visible minority.” In collaboration with Operation Black Vote Canada, this multi-method project is the first comprehensive study of the experiences of Black Canadians in electoral politics. Our research will identify factors that promote and impede political engagement, and will make recommendations to increase political inclusion in Canada.

Teaching Achievement Award

Brenda Morris, School of Social WorkBrenda Morris

School of Social Work

An experienced practitioner, clinical supervisor and social work educator, I believe that social work education can be transformative for teachers and students alike. My goal is to facilitate learning by bringing energy, respect, diverse voices and creativity to the classroom. Teaching is my passion and provides a constant context within which to explore social work’s complicated history and ongoing relationship with social justice, equity and inclusion. Much of my research uses co-operative inquiry methodology that embraces diverse knowledges and experience in the creation of knowledge, and I’m a proud member of the International Network of Co-operative Inquirers.  My teaching focuses on critical reflective social work practice with individuals and families and on mental health social work, spanning both the BSW and MSW programs.

Contract Instructor Teaching Award

Said Yaqub IbrahimiSaid Yaqub Ibrahimi

Department of Political Science

Flexible pedagogy which requires interactive, collaborative, and facilitative teaching forms the basis of my teaching philosophy in the Department of Political Science. I regularly design courses based on a key question: how can I make the topic and debates approachable to my students? Addressing this question forms the basis of my pedagogy and teaching philosophy at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Students highly appreciate this pedagogy and the learning space it creates.

Tiffany MacLellan, Department of Law and Legal StudiesTiffany MacLellan

Department of Law and Legal Studies

My courses encourage students to perform interdisciplinary examinations of the relationship between law and politics, paying particular attention to the ways in which states attempt to account for mass atrocity. As such, students are invited to turn to traditional empirical sources frequently leveraged in legal studies, as well as non-traditional sources like aesthetic and spatial sites, to grapple with important problems that underlie public international law and theories of transitional justice. I am committed to generating educational experiences within and beyond the walls of the classroom, as demonstrated by incorporating Carleton University Art Gallery exhibition material to illuminate important themes that emerge in my course’s readings.

View all of the 2023 Carleton University Achievement Award recipients on the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) website.

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