headshot of Karen Sewell

Social Work Professor Karen Sewell

Participatory. Co-operative. Energized. Experiential. Those are just a few of the words that Professors Karen Sewell and Trish Audette-Longo use to describe their approach to teaching. The two educators have received the New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award from Teaching and Learning Services, which underscores Carleton’s commitment to teaching excellence and innovation.

“The Faculty of Public and Global Affairs is proud to have such engaging and innovative faculty members working with our students,” says Brenda O’Neill, Dean of the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs. “They serve as an inspiration for everyone on campus.”

Head shot of Professor Trish Audette-Longo

Journalism Professor Trish Audette-Longo

As a professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, Audette-Longo is midway through a two-year project called “Navigating Risk in the Journalism Classroom,” aimed at building digital security and risk assessment skills across the undergraduate and graduate journalism programs.

“My approach to teaching is participatory. I want students to know that they can safely question what and how they are learning in my classes,” she explains. “My teaching strength is co-building a sense of community that empowers students to draw on their existing skills and build new ones.”

Social Work Professor Karen Sewell shares that dedication to community building in the classroom.

“I focus on relationship development within the classroom to co-create exciting, energized learning environments,” says Professor Sewell. “I work to foster the development of knowledge, skills, and cognitive and affective processes to prepare future social workers. This occurs with attention to mental health and wellness in the classroom to support optimal student learning and embody the conditions for effective social work practice.”

The New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award is given each year to candidates in their first five years at Carleton.

Monday, July 17, 2023 in , ,
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