“Effective strategic plans provide a focus, a sense of purpose.” – Dean Brenda O’Neill

On February 27, the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs launched its strategic planning process, FPA – A Path Forward.

Alex Usher and Prof. Hashmat Khan

Alex Usher and Prof. Hashmat Khan

Alex Usher, president of Higher Education Strategy Associates and an FPA alumnus, spoke about trends in the postsecondary sector and the future of universities in Canada.

The strategic planning committee consists of Dean O’Neill, Laurie Jaeger and Karen Kelly (FPA), Sarah Todd (Social Work), and Hashmat Khan (Economics).

“The launch of this new strategic planning process is timely as many forces are impacting our entire academic landscape,” said Hashmat Khan, chair of the Department of Economics. “This process is an opportunity to collectively reflect on ourselves, imagine our future and determine our path forward. I’m excited to be a part of it.” 

Who are we? Where do we want to be in 5 years? 

“At their best, strategic plans are clear in identifying a mission for the organization, in creating a common commitment to the

Alex Usher and Dean Brenda O'Neill

Alex Usher and Dean Brenda O’Neill

importance of that mission, and in setting several goals for achieving it, often with a clear timeline,” said Dean O’Neill. “They clarify what the organization does, what’s most important to it, and how it will proceed to achieve that.”

Strategic Planning Goals

First goal: revisit our existing mission and vision to ensure that they continue to serve us well in the face of current challenges.

Our current vision: “To build better democracy and foster informed citizenship.”

Our current mission: “To be a research-intensive teaching Faculty committed to building a better democracy and informed citizenship.”

Second goal: Develop a shared sense of common purpose, mission and commitment.

Third goal: Identify our guiding values and a set of concrete goals for the next five years. 

“We need to be bold. Consultation, but also research, are key to developing a set of bold and effective strategic goals.” – Dean Brenda O’Neill

 Moving Forward with A Path Forward

  • Phase 1 (March 2023): Planning committee to consult with every unit in the faculty.
  • Phase II (Spring and Summer 2023): Call for volunteers to mount five consultation reporting groups: Students, Staff, Faculty and Instructors, Alumni, and Community/Stakeholders.
  • Phase III (Fall 2023): Drafting and revising the strategic plan.
  • Phase IV (Winter 2024): Launch the plan and provide annual reports

Watch Brenda's Talk

Alex Usher, (MA PoliSci '04)

Alex Usher, MA Political Science (’04).

The Future of Canadian Post-Secondary Education

Guest speaker Alex Usher shared his predictions for the short-term and long-term in Canadian higher education.

View PDF slides from Alex’s presentation.

Watch Alex's Presentation

Visit the strategic plan webpage for updated information: https://carleton.ca/fpga/strategic-plan

Send your thoughts, ideas and questions related to the FPA strategic planning process by filling out the form below or email us: FPAStrategicPlan@carleton.ca

FPA - A Path Forward - Strategic Plan Contact

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A Path Forward - Dominion Arboretum

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