Steve Mansour, Law

Steve Mansour, Law

I originally joined Carleton back in September of 2020 in pursuit of a Bachelor of Arts in Law. I can confidently say — without question — that coming here truly was one of the best decisions I have ever made!

My time at Carleton was special for many reasons, the first of which being its location in Ottawa. As someone looking to study public institutions, being in Canada’s capital provides the opportunity to immerse yourself in those very institutions beyond mere spectatorship. In my case, I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in the Senate Page Program on Parliament Hill.

Furthermore, Carleton’s distinguished faculty are among the most qualified experts in their respective fields. This translates to a student experience that fosters learning of the highest calibre. There is a multitude of professors who produce extremely valuable research and who give students the opportunity to be a part of their important and fulfilling work, as I did during my time as research assistant alongside Professor James Meadowcroft.

Finally, the Carleton community is what truly brought my experience together. Meeting people from a diverse set of backgrounds and from all corners of the world adds a variety of invaluable perspectives. Coupled with the many opportunities to get involved, Carleton is the venue for fostering amazing team members, and even better leaders. I am already reminiscing on my extracurricular involvement here, including as Vice-President Finance of the Carleton Political Science Society, Councillor for the Department of Law and Legal Studies on the Carleton Academic Student Government, Vice-President Finance of the Carleton University Students’ Association, and a Faculty of Public and Global Affairs Ambassador.

Overall, my time at Carleton has been the most challenging, yet fulfilling part of my career and life thus far. I am certain that the skills I have honed and the network I have fostered will continue to prove invaluable as I continue to develop and grow. I am fortunate to be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Law with a double minor in Philosophy and Political Science this spring, and humbly share that I will be attending the McGill University Faculty of Law this fall: an accomplishment that would not have been possible if not for my time here!

I sincerely thank Carleton University; the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs; the Departments of Political Science, Law and Legal Studies, and Philosophy; Professor Vandna Bhatia and all my professors; the Usher of the Black Rod of Canada; and everyone else who has contributed to my continued growth, development and attainment.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 in , ,
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