Adrian Harewood, SJC

Adrian Harewood, SJC

Stenley Philippe talks to Adrian Harewood, associate professor in the School of Journalism and Communication, about his long-time involvement with Carleton University and how he challenges his students to stretch beyond their comfort zone to achieve real growth throughout their undergraduate degree.

March 17, 2023

Episode Eighteen – Meet our Faculties: Public Affairs Edition
Available on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts

Stenley Phillippe, Recruitment Officer and Page Liaison

Stenley Phillippe, Recruitment Officer and Page Liaison

Hosted by: Stenley Philippe, Recruitment Officer and Page Liaison

Welcome to the Talking Raven Podcast, a podcast about finding the perfect path towards your perfect post-secondary destination.

In each episode, we’ll highlight events you’ll want to attend, deadlines you won’t want to miss, and share some insight into what makes Carleton University a community like no other.

The Talking Raven Podcast is available on SpotifyApple and Google Podcasts.

Thursday, June 8, 2023 in ,
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