headshot of Megan hicks

Megan Hicks

Megan Hicks is a new graduate in the M.A. in Political Science Program program. She shared her highlights from the past two years.

Q: Congratulations on conquering graduate studies. What are some of the best parts of your experience?

Megan: Definitely the spontaneous conversations over coffee, before and after class, or in the office about coursework, thesis, teaching assistant positions and many other things.

Q: Wow! You were actively involved with your FPA community. What was that experience like?

Megan: I really appreciated being part of a monthly research group, where I learned about other programs and received feedback on my own. That group has strengthened my writing and research over the last two years, and I’m very grateful to my fellow research group members.

Q: Rumour has it you experienced some global opportunities as well?

Megan: Yeah! One of my favourite memories from the last two years was the opportunity to conduct research in the United Kingdom. Through SSHRC funding, I visited the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge University. This visit shaped my thesis research but also showed me how much I enjoyed archival research.

Q: What’s next for you?

Megan: I’ll return to Carleton in the Fall of 2024 to start a Ph.D. in Sociology. I will expand on my research on secrecy and its connection to the genre of biography. 

Q: Megan, congratulations on your achievements and reaching the doctoral level. Any last words?
Megan: I want to congratulate all those who are graduating and all the best in your next endeavors.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 in ,
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