Conference travel funding guidelines

The Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs assists in funding some of the travel costs incurred by full-time faculty to participate in academic or professional conferences and workshops related to their research program and/or teaching pedagogy.  

Funding is available for all full-time faculty and teaching faculty with at least a 50% appointment in the Faculty of Public and Global Affairs. Contract, adjunct, and emeritus faculty are not eligible for this funding. 

Applicants are eligible for up to $1000 once every three years, based on the university fiscal year (May 1-April 30). Pre-tenure faculty and teaching faculty are eligible for up to $1500 every three years. Funding is available for conference fee registration only (not for association fees), accommodation, per diems and transportation costs up to the value of economy class airfare. Applicants must provide documentation on the nature of the conference (normally the programme) and a brief explanation of how the conference relates to their research, teaching, or other professional roles. 

Applications should be submitted well in advance of the planned travel. Retroactive applications will not be considered. Travel advance requests and travel reimbursements will be administered in accordance with University policies.