Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

When: Monday, March 22nd, 2021 — Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021
Time: All day event

Via online video conference platform.

Audience:Carleton Community
Contact:Stephanie Bos ,

16th Annual Communication Graduate Caucus Conference
March 22-24, 2021 | Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

More information & program details with times: COMING SOON

The 2021 conference theme, TRANSITIONING, encourages submissions that address the changing nature of our social, political, and geographical circumstances. Amidst a global pandemic, adaptability has become an integral skill. We have seen global human rights movements call for the concrete social and institutional change of political, judicial, and economic bodies. Long-term debates regarding the need to transition or adapt are particularly poignant today. Environmental and climate activists draw attention to the urgent need for energy and resource transitions; greater attention is being called towards long-standing demands from BIPOC communities for institutional transformation and system reform; and finally, the COVID pandemic has called greater attention toward the inequitable living and working circumstances of Canadians across the country, from issues of food and resource access to redefining the kinds of work that are considered “essential.” While these limitations expose new challenges to our lived realities, they also offer the opportunity to rethink the institutions, tools, expectations, and forms of knowledge that organize work and life. The transitional nature of our reality is rendered especially pervasive in this climate.

This conference invites exploration of the above themes. We are particularly interested in research that broadens understandings of labour, human rights, and communication and media practices in a transitional context. We invite intersectional perspectives that challenge dominant, and perhaps even stagnant, Western ideologies using bodies of knowledge that have been ignored or made invisible throughout history.

TRANSITIONING, is pleased to announce that this year’s conference will include two keynote speakers: David Neiborg from the University of Toronto, and Paul Taylor of FoodShare Toronto.

  • David B. Nieborg is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at University of Toronto Scarborough. He holds a PhD in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Nieborg has published on the game industry, apps and platform economics, and games journalism. Currently, he is working on a co-authored book ‘Platforms, Power, and Cultural Production’ (Polity, 2020). 
  • Paul Taylor is the executive director of FoodShare Toronto, one of Canada’s largest food security organizations. Growing up materially poor in Toronto, Paul has spent his life working to eliminate poverty, fighting for workers’ rights, and standing up for the most marginalized.

For more information and to register, click here.


This event is part of FPA Research Series.